Bronze billet

Mercobronze manufactures Bronze Billet in different alloys, using both Continuous Casting and Die Casting.

The company supplies Bronze Billet to industries throughout the national territory, in the appropriate alloys to withstand projected temperature and pressure variations.

Qualified bronze billet.

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Bronze billets

Bronze billets
Bronze billets
Bronze billets
Bronze billets
Bronze billets
Bronze billets

Bronze billet commercialization

Bronze billet

Our commercialization of bronze billet covers the entire national territory. The efficient logistics process we use guarantees safe and punctual delivery, no matter where your company is located.

Mercobronze is today one of the main Brazilian industries producing bronze billet. As the manufacturer of the products it commercializes, Mercobronze has an important differential, its strict observance of the technical standards adopted internationally in the classification of the alloys used in the bronze billet.

In fact, we devote special care to controlling the composition of these alloys. The formulation complies with international and national technical conventions that are regulated by bodies such as SAE and Inmetro.

Acquiring bronze billet directly from the manufacturer represents, among other benefits, competitive prices, prompt delivery, confidence in the reliability of the alloy and maintenance of the quality category when new purchases are made.

Bronze Billet Characteristics

Bronze billet is how the metallurgical industry call solid bars made with alloys from the bronze family. The characteristics of the bronze billet, such as the type of alloy used and its shapes and dimensions, are determined by needs and production purposes.

Mercobronze supplies bronze billet in the following alloys:

  • Bronze MB 23
  • Bronze SAE 620
  • Bronze SAE 430-B
  • Special alloys on an order basis

As for the cross-sectional shape, our bronze billets can be of:

  • Cylindrical section
  • Hexagonal section
  • Square section

In the manufacturing of bronze billets, we use two different casting processes: continuous casting and die casting. Both techniques guarantee a final product with high durability, homogeneous structure and performance within or even beyond our customers’ expectations.

Bronze Billet Applications

The composition of the alloy and its manufacturing method are the factors that provide the bronze billet with the necessary resistance to withstand the variety and severity of the industrial processes to which it will be subjected:

  • Folds
  • Pressing
  • Stamping
  • Forging
  • Wear and tear
  • Abrasion
  • Welding
  • Brazing
  • Corrosion

All these transformations take place without prejudice to the mechanical function and the expected service life of the bronze billet.

Bronze is the alloy of choice because of its unique and excellent physical, mechanical and chemical properties.

The applications of the bronze billets are several. This metal alloy is the most appropriate and therefore preferred to manufacture different products, of which we can mention:

  • Machine components
  • Tools
  • Valves
  • Screws and washers
  • Pumps
  • Rings
  • Tubes
  • Bearings
  • Gears
  • Household utensils
  • Jewelries and costume jewelries
  • Musical instruments
  • Specific parts in customized projects

Learn more about Mercobronze bronze billets and get to know about our complete portfolio of metal alloy solutions. Please contact us through the customer service channels and talk to our technical consultants.