Bronze bearing

Mercobronze produces radial and longitudinal bronze bearing, in the most different diameters, for industries in several sectors throughout the national territory.

The radial bronze bearing is used in rolling situations, where the work of the shaft is rotating. The longitudinal bronze bearing is used when the shaft action is horizontal or vertical movement, without rotation.

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Bronze bearings

Bronze bearing
Bronze bearing
Bronze bearing
Bronze bearing

Bronze bearings are replacement parts, whose purpose is to support the shaft without it wearing out during sliding or rotating action. Given the high level of demand to which it is subjected, the alloy used in the manufacture of bearings is one of the main factors responsible for the performance and service life of the part.

It is the alloy with which the bearing was manufactured that determines the friction coefficient and, therefore, the heat produced during operating activity. The traditional bronze and lead alloy, widely used in Brazil in the production of bronze bearing, produces a lot of heat, due to the high coefficient of friction. Under these conditions, the use of a cooling system is mandatory. Mercobronze has developed technology to produce bronze bearings in a special alloy, without the addition of lead and with a very low coefficient of friction, capable of operating without the need for cooling, and whose service life is significantly longer than that of bearings made in conventional alloy.

Used since ancient Egypt to move surfaces in contact, the bearing is present in almost all types of machinery and equipment, as well as in the simplest household appliances.

However the composition of the alloy in the manufacturing of bronze bearings has evolved with the advancement of studies, research and experiments, even though national industries remain attached to the old lead bronze alloy.

Mercobronze invests resources and energy in the production of bronze bearings in special alloys, aligning itself with modern castings that operate in Europe and the United States, which places the company in a prominent position among national foundries.